EDCI 336 Inquiry Project Post 1

Upon hearing about this inquiry project, my first instinct was to pursue a personal weightlifting goal: to break the Olympic world records. By that I don’t mean the men’s 96 kg (212 lb.) records; although I fall into that category I am too tall, (relatively) thin, old and inexperienced to have a chance. Rather, I would want to achieve the far more attainable goal of breaking the world record for the smallest weight class of women. Unfortunately, access to gyms at which I could train for my goal has been severely restricted by the COVID-19 pandemic, so I decided not to get into a project I might be unable to complete due to factors beyond my control. You and your tiny but surprisingly powerful frame win this round, Chen XieXia!

Chen Xiexia of China competes in the women’s 48kg weightlifting event during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Gymnasium in Beijing on August 9, 2008. She won ahead of Sibel Ozkan of Turkey (silver) and Wei-Ling Chen of Taiwan (bronze). AFP PHOTO/JUNG YEON-JE

SO, what could I do that was under my own control? I’ve had a practice three section staff (pictured below) in my closet for a year or two, and always thought it would be cool to be able to do some fancy martial arts tricks with it. However, it is about 7 feet long and, combined with the length of my arm, requires more room to swing around safely than I have in any room of my house. Going into a project that could be derailed by terrible weather was not a great prospect either.

So, what could I do that would be a passion project for me, and that is not contingent on factors beyond my control that could derail the whole thing? Learning Piano!

2 thoughts on “EDCI 336 Inquiry Project Post 1”

  1. Evan!

    Great flow. It reads like a fun conversation and I really enjoy that. Your humour and personality come through and allows your blog to be easily related too.

    I enjoy the both the image of yourself and captioned picture of the Olympian.

    Not much to critique here, other than a typo on Olympic word record! But I would have loved to see some of your martial art movements in video format!

    The structure of blog seems quite barebones maybe spruce it up abit?

  2. What an excellent Free Inquiry topic; too bad you can’t progress further with it right now. This is a smart way to use school to stay active and fit. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I am a rare lucky guy that has put a home gym together over the years. But I don’t think I would risk going to a gym during COVID — not worth risking your health… for your health. I think you put yourself to achieve a very feasible goal, something I am sure you could do if life ever gets back to “normal.”
    You’re right, the weather is going to make your section-staff hard to do as well. A few years ago, I was getting bored with my workout routine and couldn’t settle on a specific series. I was also working odd hours, and the only time I had “free” to workout was during my lunch break. So I had to come up with 45min workouts with no weights or equipment. That might be something to look into as a Free Inquiry that falls in a similar category. Trying a variety of 30-45 min workouts and reviewing them using various technology platforms we’ve learned in class. If you don’t have one already. Best of luck. If you need some ideas for those workouts, I think I have some saved somewhere.

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